Let's Sing Beethoven's #9
and post on youtube!
"Fully Remote"B#9 Chorus
No entry
Deadline for video submission
November 30, 2021 Tue
As is well known,
music is a common language and its power goes beyond not only the border of the company but all of the world
Under the name of NTT, even though we are working separately form company to company,
this deliberately designed Fully Remote #9 chorus event
would make all the employee feel united
And the power of our chorus could lead to publicize the sense of unity of the NTT Group, which transcends time and space and would become a great energy
We are looking forward to your entry as many as possible
Let’s sing out B#9 together for the power of all the NTT Group of companies!
Three Big Points
Easy FOC entry for any NTT Group employee
You can sing along with professional soloist
Professional musician's lesson videos are provided that enable you to sing at home
Delivery starts at 19:00 on Saturday, December 25, 2021
Employee of NTT Group companies and their families, OBs and OGs
Thank you for your participation